news Q2 Sales and Projects

blog, sistemabio,

Colombia Colombia expands to Peru with Tereo

In May of 2018, Colombia added to its allies the company Tereo Peru, a company specializing in agricultural waste management located in Peru. With the support of our new partners, begins a new stage to meet the high demand of our systems in this country. Tereo will be a distributor of in the region and will begin activities with the implementation of 18 biodigesters.

Partnership with Alqeria for improved milk quality

Alquería, one of the largest dairy processors in Colombia, has started a pilot project with to install a Sistema 40 biodigester with the objective introducing dairy producers to the product in the Llanos Orientales area of Puerto Gaitán, Colombia.

The main benefits of the system for farmers in the region is biogas for cooking and fertilizer for the pastures of the cattle, which will improve the feeding of the cows and quality of the milk.


Increasing coffee quality in Colombia

Nelson is one of the farmers from the coffee producing regions in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Colombia. Learn more about Nelson’s story.


India launches on the 2018 World Environment Day

In 2017 developed a project in India in partnership with CINI, TATA TRUST, Factor-E and Shell Foundation for the installation of  60 domestic biodigesters in Gujarat. This validated the technology for the Indian context and now offers its full product portfolio that suits energy and fertilizer needs for the Indian productive dairy farms. Shortly biogas accessories such as milking machines, chillers, and millers will be available, increasing the productivity of the agribusinesses with clean and renewable energy and organic fertilizer.

Our launch event marked the beginning of the many more Indian farmer engagements to come. In attendance were more than 48 farmers eager to learn how digesters can increase productivity in their farms. Take a look at the event. India participates in Social Alpha Open House

TATA trust’s initiative, the Social Alpha Open House brought together innovators, entrepreneurs, potential CSR investors & philanthropists, under one roof. It showcased the efforts of many incubatees who are working tirelessly to tackle various developmental challenges. As part of the open house, various round-tables were organised on waste management and agri businesses where reps from were invited to speak. The event was organised at the TATA trust head office at Cuffe Parade in Mumbai. The incubatee companies displayed their products in the stalls visited by many from TATA trusts and TATA group of companies.


Pilot system installed with Rent to Own in Zambia

Partnerships have been our pillar throughout the expansion journey around the world. We are excited to announce the installation of a first pilot unit in Zambia with another Shell Foundation partner Rent To Own (RTO) to pilot’s digesters in Zambia. and RTO are evaluating market potential with pilot systems installed in strategic areas. We look forward to reporting more progress in the next newsletter!

Founded in 2010, Rent to Own (RTO) is a social business that seeks to provide high-impact assets to micro-entrepreneurs in rural Zambia. These assets (such as refrigerators, hammer mills and irrigation pumps) help catalyze business growth and improvement in prosperity for clients who do not have access to such equipment in underdeveloped and disadvantaged communities. RTO is a Shell Foundation Partner and like it aims to impact rural Africa to boost farmers to become more productive agribusinesses.

Kenya celebrates #1000 flames shining on it’s first anniversary

In just one year since starting operations in Kenya, the team has reached a record number of 1000 biodigesters sold. Despite the the heavy rains, our technical team is working tirelessly and installing 50 biodigesters every week.

Engineer Duncan installs the biggest biodigester in Kenya

When Engineer Duncan joined in January 2018, it was a decision driven by a passion to improve lives of communities in Kenya. Six months later, Duncan has installed the biggest biodigester yet in Kenya, Sistema 160. This will treat waste in Makoror slaughterhouse in Wajir County.

He has blazed through this installation alone-with the help of two pit diggers- and he has really take this up as a challenge and he has done extremely well. The slaughterhouse has been hot and, the place smells terrible. The conditions have been really tough, but he has gone out of his way and has done over and above what’s normally demanded to get this installation done.


Waste treatment to avoid contamination of water bodies in Jalisco won a tender presented by JICO Sur (Inter-municipal Environment Board for the Integral Management of the Coahuayana River Basin) in charge of the environment, citizen participation, ‘protection of basins and forests’. The project is supported by the Ministry of Environment and aims to mitigate the negative impact of swine activities in the Jalisco area.

With this project, a Sistema 80 and two Sistema 40 were installed in particular pig farms to avoid the discharge of  2 tons of manure every day into Laguna del Tule which can potentially cause outbreaks of infections. One of the main benefits that farmers with the systems will get is organic fertilizer. The project is part of a plan that carries out more actions to improve the development of the region.

Partnership to enhance mechanical application of biogas in Nicaragua

Thanks to the support of SNV Honduras, since January of this year, will install a total of 26 systems for domestic use. At the moment, 18 systems have been installed and there are still 6 to install in the departments of Francisco Morazán and Catacama Olancho.

This partnership has also opened opportunities in the region with the objective of installing productive systems to use biogas for mechanical applications in rural regions of Honduras, as well as training installers to increase the activity of in the region.

Latest partnership between SNV in Nicaragua and the cooperative CHONTALAC, with

This is one of the last projects signed with SNV in Nicaragua and the cooperative CHONTALAC, an organization with more than 300 farmers with a high potential to improve their milk production. CHONTALAC cooperative collects milk, produces cheese and yoghurt and sells milk to the national market of LALA. A pilot project is currently being carried out with 7 farmers to implement mechanical biogas milking and then to scale up these pilot projects to benefit all members of the cooperative.

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