We empower family farms with innovative biodigester and biofertilizer technology, training, customer service, and financing to enable them to become more independent and productive.
Our mission drives action at the cross-section of food security, social justice and climate change.
By transforming animal waste into bioenergy and organic fertilizer, our advanced biodigester technology enables farmers to generate their own thermal and mechanical energy. This not only significantly improves their livelihoods but also lays the foundation for regenerative agriculture through the use of organic fertilizer.
Our comprehensive solution packages are designed to meet the needs of small, medium and large farms, from family-run operations to commercial farms.
We cater to various types of feedstock and diverse weather conditions, ensuring optimal performance. By integrating our biodigesters with a variety of fertilizing and biogas technologies, including stoves, boilers, and engines, we enhance farmers’ productivity and efficiency.
Sistema.bio digesters installed
People producing clean, renewable energy & organic fertilizer
Tons of CO2e mitigated
m3 of waste treated
m3/year of biogas produced
ha/year fertilized with biofertilizer